Tuesday, July 9, 2013

june photo roundup

in june craig finished his degree.

then he went on a business trip that kahree and i fought to survive.

he came home and had a lovely father's day weekend with us.

then kahree and i finished up work for the summer and went on vacation to see my family.

many puppies were snuggled and puddles splashed. 

 [dinner out the day before daddy went out of town]

 [getting soaked and loving it]

 [loving on all her animals, hugs and kissed for everyone]

 [we had a tiny tea party and kahree took a giant shot]

 [bubbles outside. this was right before she bent over and dumped out half the bottle]

 [i can't get her to eat her oatmeal anywhere else]

 [excited that craig was coming home, can you tell?]

 [national free donut day at krispy kreme]

 [a saturday out with my loves]

 [my daily cure for second trimester headaches]

 [we took a flower, a rock, and a stick hostage]

 [kahree looooves charlie. charlie couldn't care less about kahree]

 ["helping" mommy organize her fabric while wearing underwear around her neck]

 [reading together after a sweet father's day]

 [sometimes she just does the cutest things]
 [went back to the comic shop. this time i got some sweet buttons]

 [on a long, crowded train ride to see grandma and grandpa!]

 [these dogs weren't sure what hit them]

 [our favorite rocking chair in the world]

 [singing with grandpa]

 [my mom made me chocolate mousse. twice.]

 [a present for a baby in the making]

 [she loved to see the baby chickens and tell them "PEEP PEEP PEEP"]

 [adventures happen first thing in the morning]

 [eating quiche on the couch. i guess it's just what she does]

[self portrait]

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