Friday, January 18, 2013

let's all stand completely still

craig took the day off and celebrated my birthday with me today. or rather he gave me a birthday today because i didn't feel any different or anything like celebrating until he surprised me with going to the oregon coast for the day. most of it was spent on the most beautiful foggy/sunny drive and picking up some donuts and listening to ludo and mewithoutYou while i wondered what on earth was happening and where the heck could we be going. we pulled up right to the very first place i ever saw the ocean in lincoln city and immediately chowed down on some mo's chowder. it's the very best in the world.

we walked on the beach and skipped rocks and found this awesome see-through fish that was tiny tiny tiny but totally alive! craig grew a rock mustache and i demanded ice cream. the giant cookie was his idea, of course, don't you know him at all?

we left our little lovely daughter with her gigi and uncle cameron all day [which she spent being an angel and not crying at all for the 6+ hours i was away from her]. it was the longest we had ever been apart but it was so nice to be just us again for a little while. it was very reminiscent of our early married days when we used to take crazy, ill-timed and ill-planned trips to the coast and it was always wonderful. one trip we left after church and spent the night in the car after trepsasing onto a private beach and listening to the ocean in the dead od the night. the next day when we got home i took a little pregnancy test that told me baby kahree was on her way. the ocean has it's magical ways, that's all i'm saying.

i'm 21 now. it doesn't feel any different and i'm not really analyzing it. i'm just happy, happy, happy that i get another year of being an extremely flawed person connected to two amazing loves of mine who keep me anyway.

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